32. The deal

Hello to everyone..
I wanted to inform that this book is also available on scrollstack too. And till chapter 32 the book is free for all...

And from further chapter the chapter will be available only for followers on the scrollstack..

As in future the book may get much spicy. I will post on wattpad too but with higher sexual scenes chapter will be available on scrollstack only.

So do follow there the link is in my bio.

Thankyou 💋

Let's start the chapter....


, take this veil from off my eyes
My burning sun will, some day, rise
So, what am I gonna be doin' for a while?
Said, I'm gonna play with myself
Show them how we come off the shelf

:..。o○ ○o。..:*:..。o○ ○o。..:*

Author's pov:-
After Reet and ruhaan's intimate moment she got back to her bed while wet dreaming about him.

The night was calm and chilled, meanwhile where ruhaan was not all chilled because of stunt they have put on.

He was on his bed tossing and turning thinking about her in all dirty ways. But he knows to control himself in all way.

It was an hectic day at all, the meeting the conversation, the moments, the make out all.

Soon after midnight sleep ungulfed him taking him to her dreams.

Where as in Oberoi mansion in the room of siddhart and shaanvi

Two of them were bound in sheets naked. Where as siddhart was hovering on her and shaanvi was all under his mercy.

"Say it " He ordered.

"Ahh-nn" She moaned when he spanked her again .

"Ahhh, I love you ahhhh" As soon she said he thrushted into her.

"Mmhmm" She maoned out in pleasure.

"Say it love, say again" He breathed out in hoarse tone.

"I ahh I love you Sid ahh " She said and his thrusts got hard.

"You" thrust "love me"  thrust "only me" thrust..

He said while each thrust soon after when they were they got in argument leading them to this hot make out session.

Where shaanvi made him lose all his temper when she uttered that he doesn't love her and only cares about the meetings.

Which was only to tease him but he took in other way leading him to fuck mercilessly.

"Ahh only you mhmmm" She moaned as  his thrusts went deeper taking her all energy to speak.

"Thats good baby girl" He said while sucking on her tits.

"Ahhh sid " She moaned as her climax was to reach.

"Don't before I say you" He warned her who gave him tearfull look.

"Sid, please I can't ,ahhh — Sid fuckk let me come ahh" She pleased but he didn't instead he sucked her more while his fingers made his way on her clit.

Soon the pleasure got high and he looked at her lovingly but with a lust he said.

"Right now with me " He said as he reached at his own climax

"Ahhhhhh " Both of them moaned together while he fell off beside her . Both of them catching for their.

"You , you are crazy" Shaanvi said as soon as he turned her facing him.

"I love you " He said slowly caressing her face who blushed hard.

"After these many years you still blush after our every love making session as it's first" He teased and she hit him on his chest.

"Shut up" She said and he laughed while holding her closely.

"I love you" She said and he kissed her on lips claiming all while she reciprocated.

"Sleep baby" He said patting her and soon slept took over them and they slept in each others embrace while moon witnessing their pure love for each.


Next morning....

The sun rose up, while Reet was sleeping and Ruhaan was in his gym working out.

Sunrays fell on her face and she stirred, lazily opening her eyes completely.

With a smile she woke up, she got up stretching her arms and made her way to her room balcony .

And her eyes wandered on the window giving her sexiest view of a 5'11 tall man doing push ups , sweating and looking all hot.

She glued to the place and staired at him as her life depends on him.

Soon her eyes met him when he sat while smirk played on his lips looking at her all focused on him.

Slowly he got up and made his way to the window.

"Not a bit of shame you have right? " He asked playfully acting like he is getting assualt.

"If a hot man stands like this and himself says come eye fuck me, then there's no shame" She said while he rolled his eyes.

"Well well lady, I guess I should close this window" He said and she chuckled.

"Well Mr if you won't mind I can help you, so anyone won't watch you " She said and he raised his eyebrow.

"How? " He asked with hint of playfullness enjoying there small useless banter.

"Give me a chance to come there and I'll hide you from whole world who tries to see you" She said with a smirk and he chuckled as he got amused by her advice.

"Well I guess I should first save myself from you" He said and she narrowed her eyes.

"It won't happen ,sir" She purposely expanded sir and his jaw twitched as her seductive voice.

"You're crazy Reet" He said with a small chuckle while smile playing on his lips.

He wore his sweatshirt and made his protein drink while she was staring him shamelessly.

His mouth came in contact with his lips and he drank while he gulped his Adam apple popped making him look more sexy then he his.

She slowly gulped and straightened herself knowing he was looking at her with smirk.

She shook her head and went inside and as soon she went he was to call her but some idea popped in his mind.

He slowly came out of the gym and searched for the number Raj has messaged.

Saving into his phone he smirked at the caller I'd name he saved.

He went to his room to freshen up as reet was too getting ready.

They were out of the room at the same time . Him in his office suit while her in a balck tank top combined with a pair of high skirt looking all sexy and hot.

Soon as she closed her door her phone ringed with unknown number.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and picked the call.

"Hello kon ?" She said answering the call and heard a chuckle from other side frozing her.
(Hello who?)

"Apka hi honey, babe bol raha hu sweetheart" She heard the voice and checked at the number realizing they never shared their personal numbers.

(I'm yours only honey and babe speaking sweetheart)

"Ruhaan " She said over the call and heard him chucking again. She looked towards his room and saw him leaning to door while phone was tucked under his ears.

She shook her head and went towards him.

"How did you get my number?" She asked when she reached towards him and he just chuckled annoying her.

"I have my own ways " He said with a smug look and she rolled her eyes.

"Huh? Just say that raj gave you number " She said annoying his ass

"Shut up" He said and she laughed.

They made their way down stairs for breakfast.

There were kiaana, siddhaart and shaanvi sitting.

Their parents were still on holiday after their cousins wedding.

They lead to table and sat there while kiaana jumped on Ruhaan's lap kissing him on cheek and wishing.

"Good morning" She said and ruhaan smiled kissing her cheeks.

"Maasi you are beautiphul " She said and she giggled making everyone laugh.

"Reet turtle neck, are you fine?" Shaanvi asked and reet face became pale remembering morning event.


At morning when reet was out if washroom drying her hair. Her eyes fell on her neck making her eyes go wide.

"Shit what the hell" She screamed looking at the purple bluish marks on her neck and collarbone.

"Agghhh ruhaan, I hate you " She screamed and hurriedly took her concelar out and started applying while cursing him.

"I guess I should wear turtle neck now ahhhh"she said while removing clothes.

Flashback ends

" Uhh di, umm actually it's has been kept inside from many days so" She said hiding her neck fully.

She smiled Hesistatingly and her eyes fell on him who was smirking fully.

She cursed him again and looked back at her plate.

"Ruhaan?" Siddhart called him.

"Yes, bhai " He answered while siddhart sighed making ruhaan tesed for a while.

" I know that you have purposely cancel this deal, but I want to Handel it in your own way" He said while Reet and Ruhaan looked at each other.

"Bhai I " Ruhaan tried to say but siddhart cut him off.

"I know you have reasons, I'm supporting you" He said and ruhaan grinned.

" Just handle dad and I'll handle everything " Ruhaan said and siddhart chuckled.

"Now stop this shits and eat your breakfast" Shaanvi said serving them.

They were having breakfast and suddenly kiaana spoke.

"Maasi I'm angly" Kiaana spoke and reet widened her eyes.

"Why baby? " She asked and kiaana pouted.

" You were reading bhoot story , but you didn't tell me" She said in her baby voice while reet choked on her food.

"Bhoot story? " Ruhaan repeated.

"Baby it's not some ghost story it was just a book" Reet said covering up while ruhaan looked at her suspiciously.

"I wish tumne academic books bhi padhi hoti jaise yeh padh leti ho" Siddhart said and Reet whinned.

(I wish you have read those academic books like how you read these books )

"SeJiju c'mon " She whinned.

Siddhart shook his head but ruhaan sat there wandering what must she has reading.

He looked at her who was sitting embarrassingly. Her phone pinged and everyone's attention went on it.

She glanced her phone and smiled and looking at it ruhaan eyed her who was smiling looking at the message.

"What's it?" He asked out of curiosity and everyone's attention turned towards them.

"Umm nothing it's a message from my friend" She said and he nodded.

"Amaira?" Shaanvi asked and reet chuckled nodding her head.

"Oh my god how is she? It has been years since I met her " She said in excitement.

"Well she will be there in few days , you can meet that bitch " Reet said and siddhart scoffed...

"Don't say that you both gonna eat my
Head with those weirdest questions" He said with a sigh and reet narrowed her eyes.

"C'mon jij we were your students at that time. " She said and re rolled his eyes.

"Yaa, yaa" They laughed whereas ruhaan was all confused but everyone busy in their own self.

Only there was one person with him who was kiaana looking as confused as him. He looked at her who pouted and he did same. But they just shrugged.

And slowly ate their breakfast..

The time went and now they were heading to office.

In the car.

"Well you didn't tell bhabhi that why are you wearing this turtle neck, full packed. Is something bothering you?" He said with a smirk.

"As if you don't know what you did last night, they are the results" She said in a annoyed tone and he chuckled.

"Well I guess you should not cover those" He said and reet rolled her eyes.

"Let those motherfucker sees" He Murmurmed slowly not audible to her.

They reached to office and unwinningly there was jiya standing.

They came out and she walked towards them. With anger flaring inside of her.

"Hey!" Reet greeted her but she ignored and moved towards ruhann but before she reaches, reet was already there who held his and entertwined their fingers.

"Umm, ruhaan we are getting late babe " She said and dragged him inside meanwhile he was grinning like a fool.

"Ah i love your moves everytime you know, always unexpectable" He said with a grin.

"You still don't know what I can do" She said patting herself.

They were in the office now he entered while everyone greeted him and as usual he nodded and went inside.

Where as reet went to her desk and sat chitchating with sania .

It was while that ruhaan called her for some purpose.

"Yes" She said.

"Actually Reet that sana called us and said she needs extra jewelry after her wedding so could you do it?" He asked and reet brimmed with joy.

"Why not, it's great for me to do" She said grinning.

"Ok" He said smiling at her.

"Well then I'll show her final designs I have received" He said and she nodded at him.

He got up getting to couch and opening his laptop for showing the design.

"Well here it is" He said and she sat down observing each with excitement.

"I have designed them, oh my god really" She said screaming while ruhaan chuckled at her happiness.

"Don't you remember?" He asked and she nodded and while smiling looked intently at every jewelry they sent.

It was more than 15 minutes that she was observing them like her life depends.

"Reet enough, tomorrow you can visit factory every designs will be available in front of your eyes" He said and reet looked at her with bleam in her eyes.

"Is it?" She asked and he nodded who smiled toothly at him.

"You're kid" He said and she narrowed her eyes.

"I'm not" She said getting up while passing him but didnt see that he was sitting with his legs spread wide which resulted herself tangling with him and then falling over him.

"Ouch I'm so sorry shit" She said as soon as she saw his widened eyes.

"It's -it's ok " He said and looked away from her.

She was hovering on him while her lips were so near that if he tries to get up they will end up each other kissing.

How much of patience he has only he knows because after looking at her plump, juicy lips he will end up biting and licking her.

He groaned slowly and reet tried to get up but resulted falling more as their legs were tangled now.

He held her waist and she looked at him. Her eyes speaking many words.

"Stop reet stop...fuck I want to kiss him so bad, who want to miss this chance if you're with someone you like" She said in her mind and looked at his lips.

He slowly tucked her hairs backwards looking intently at her. Slowly his hand held her full and pulled her even close that they were now in compromising position.

"Ruh—" She tried to say.

"Shh—" He kept his one finger on her lip and slowly started tracing her lips. Where as she closed her eyes to savour the moment.

"Ruhaan any one can walk in, leave " She said but he didn't listen insted his hands tried to full her collar down of turtle neck is top to get acess..

Slowly his marks came on his view. He smirked looking at them.

"You look so good all marked by me" He said and traced those marks making her maon.

They were busy in their own world nit knowing someone was watching them. There were 2 pairs of eyes watching them.

One with anger and other with shock. It was none other than jiya and her father watching them. He was shocked seeing ruhaan with some girl that is not her daughter. His eyes falshed hurt and anger.

He banged the door alerting both of them.

Reet stood up detangling herself from him and he straightened himself.

"Mr agarwal" He said and he came inside .

"I'll leave" Reet said tucking her hair and leaving outside not before looking at jiya who gave her murderous looks and she rolled her eyes.

"Well  Ruhaan I guess you're so busy but I'm here to inform that the deal is cancelled, I need someone who can just focus on it" He  said with irritation .

"Focus on your project or your daughter? " Ruhaan said with a smirk and they clenched their jaw.

"Ruhaan you cheated" She said and he laughed sarcastically.

"Cheated? I was never interested in you, even I said many times but your father was not able to listen. So don't
Blame it on me" He said and jiya widened her eyes.

"It will take you in loss ruhaan" Her father said.

" I don't give a fuck about it" He said with a smug and sat down on his chair.

"You're doing very wrong thing" He said again and ruhaan chuckled.

" I must have done this earlier but it's ok I did now" He said and his father barged out .

"Ruhaan please don't do it. I can give you everything you have baby please" Jiya said and ruhaan clenched his jaw when she held his face he pushed her hands back.

"Don't try to touch me" He said loudly making her shiver.

"Ruhaan please" She said hovering on her but someone held her hair pushing her back.

"Stop hovering on my boyfriend you bitch " Reet said and jiya and ruhaan widened their eyes.

"You filthy slu—" Jiya was to say but ruhaan said loudly

"Dare to complete that word and I'll show you what I can do" He said making her grith her teeth.

"You ahh " She shouted in pain as reet banged her head on the  table.

"Listen to me very carefully jiya, he is mine, ruhaan oberoi is my man stay the fuck out of him, do you get tha? " She said and held her hair tightly and she nodded.

"Ahh leave I'll stay away from him" She said and reet left her while jiya ran from there crying.

As she went ruhaan looked at reet and gupled slowly and smiled nervously

"Ah what was that?" He asked with some fear.

"Mm nothing, just did my girlfriend job" She said as she saw him nervous for the first time in her life.

"Are you scared? " She asked and he widened her eyes.

"No no not at all why would be I? " He said nodding to himself and reet chuckled.

Raj entered as soon as he saw jiya running.

"What the fuck happened to her?" He said while ruhaan smirked and reet just shrugged

"Actually you know miss reet mehra banged her head on the table" He said laughing while explaining things to raj who was shocked so much.

He nervously looked at her giving thumbs up.

"Good job" He said and reet rolled her eyes.

"But there's one problem" Raj said and both of them looked at him.

"What?" They said together.

"We are going to lose crores of here "

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