28. I'm his girlfriend I

Hello to everyone...
So I'm back with a new chapter...

So let's start it..



Breakfast mein kisses

Hugs on day lunch me

Dinner me jo maange

Alcoholic hai teri nigaahen addiction

Hogaye hum deewane

:..。o○ ○o。..:

Reets pov:-
Everything is going so well between us. It has been more than two months that I'm staying here. Completing my dreams but the difference is at starting Ruhaan was against me but now he is with me everytime.

He has changed alot, not changed but becoming his old self as raj said me that he is behaving like before now.

I'm happy that I could bring old ruhaan back but what I'm scared of is he will not give a chance to anyone to enter into his heart.

It scares me though out because I have started crushing over him now. If I don't talk to him my day doesn't end.

Right now I'm sitting in my room it's 9:30 , we had dinner but Ruhaan was not there as he had an important meeting.

He said that he will be late so I came with jiju, yes I missed him. But now the time is not passing infact it's going so slow.

Damn! I can't wait for him more now . I need him. I tried to sleep also but it didn't work.

As my sleep scheduled is fucked up and I can't sleep till I talk to him.

I pouted knowing he will be back till 11'o clock.

I decided to read one of my book and drowned myself in it. I was so enjoying reading that I didn't see the time.

I looked up and it was 11 I thought to go down and check if he is there or no. But my bad luck he didn't come.

I sat beside the kitchen slab. There were 2 chairs I sat on it and supported my chin on my hands. Keeping my head down I was just looking towards the door.

"Ruhhan I like you so much" I said and he smiled.he pulled me closer we were going to kiss finally. We were about to kiss but some nonsense disturbed us and I looked at him and boom I was sleeping and dreaming.

"Reet" Ruhaan shook me and I looked at him.

"Night" He said and smiled and I blushed remembering that I was just dreaming.

"When did you come? " I asked him

"Just now . What are you doing here, why didn't you sleep? " He asked me and I smiled.

"Actually I was waiting for you" I said shyly tucking my hairs and he looked shocked.

He wanted to say something but couldn't I know why? Because he didn't expect me to do this things. But as I say I need him now everytime so I was waiting for him.

"Reet y-" He was to say something but I stopped him.

"Go get changed" I said and he went not before that I ate food or not. I smiled remembering my dream and slightly hit my head.

"Paagal hai tu reet" I said and went towards the oven to heat the food.

(Your mad reet)

I was heating the food and suddenly some thoughts crossed my mind. Aren't I'm behaving like his wife? I grinned thinking it and soon Mr oberoi made his presence in his glory.

I looked at him and smiled he did the same his smile is rare as he doesn't smile for anyone. His dimples are so cute.

"Sit" I ordered him and he raised his prefect eyebrows.

"What sit down it's already 12" I said and he sat down while chuckling.

I served him the food and he started eating. I shared him about the design's that are selected by everyone and he was listening to me silently.

I looked at him. This man is perfect. His white face, dark black eyes, perfect kissable lips, nose and not to miss perfect jaw which makes him look Devishly hot.

His body is heaven to eyes and I still watch him secretly but at the end he gets to know. God knows how?

He finished his food so I decided to wash the dishes.

"Reet let me help you" He said and I shook my head.

"It's not much I'll be early" I said but he was ready to fight and so I. But then he agreed.

I was doing dishes that suddenly he started arranging it.

"Ruhaan" I said and shut me down.

"Quiet I will do this" He said-ordered, and I let him do.

We were quick and then led to upstairs . I don't know but I think he wants to say something but he was nervous.

We were close to my room when he suddenly asked me.

"Reet can I ask something? " He said nervously and I needed.

"Can you be my girlfriend" He said and I widened my eyes. It was so shocking to me.

I know I have feelings for him but I didn't knew that he wants me to be his girlfriend. But what if he is joking.

"Your kidding me right? " I said and laughed.

"I'm serious" And yes he was serious do I stopped laughing.

"I mean -why? Me as girlfriend?" I asked him shyly and butterflies were flowing in my tummy.

"A fake one" He suddenly said and my face lost it colour.

"What? " I asked him again what if I heard something wrong.

"Be my girlfriend for one week" He said and my anger risened so much.

How the fuck he can ask me to be his fake girlfriend. Has he lost his mind? Don't he know that relationship is not a joke.

"Out" I said in a high pitch voice and he looked shockingly.

"Reet please listen to me" He pleaded while coming inside but I was in no mood to listen.

"You know I can't do this shits " I said and threwed him out.

"Reet" He said again.

"Get out" I shouted on him and closed the door on his face and she stood there with a mouth wide open in shock.

What the fuck does he think about himself.

Bkl hai thodha sa... I said and heard a bang on my door and I knew it was him. So I locked the door of the balcony because I knew he will come inside soon.

I was so happy to few seconds, but he doesn't like my happiness.

I'm not going to talk to him. Now I'll sleep that's the best thing I can do right??

I dozed off and ofcurse while cursing him too.

Author's pov:-

Next morning

Today reet didn't go to balcony to eye him . She knew he knows everything and if she goes he will try again.

So she decided to ignore him for the day. She freshened up and went down stairs and saw him sitting there looking at her with narrowed eyes. He thought she will on the side of him but she passed off from his chair and sat beside shaanvi.

His mouth was open seeing this move. He knew he fucked up again it was wrong to ask her like this. He should had made her understand.

But anyways he will do it. He knows she can't be angry for long time.

She got up and went with siddhart not before glaring at him. Siddhart saw them and shook his head knowing they must have Fighted again.

They went to office and she started her work ignoring the hard stare that he was giving her.

She rolled her eyes and didn't look back to him which angered him much .

He also moved inside now ignoring her. She gasped looking his moves. She should be angry but here it is reversed now.

She looked at him angrily and then made herself busy.

In his cabin:

He angrily looked at raj who was sitting there drinking coffee.

"You asshole, do you know she's not talking with me" He said and Raj looked at him.

"What did you tell her? " He asked

"To be my fake girlfriend" He said everything with a pout and raj sighed.

"Abe akal ke aandhe... If you will say her directly to be fake girlfriend then she will be angry only na" He said and smacked his head and he glared at him.

"You fucker can you stop shouting" Ruhaan said with gritted teeth.

"And you bastard can't you be serious if you would have told her the reason why you want then might must have agreed" Raj and ruhaan sat with a huff.

"Now? " He asked him.

"Now, now what? Jaa mana use" Raj said and ruhaan stood up and marched outside of his cabin.

There she was sitting quietly glaring at laptop

"It will burn if you didn't stop it" Ruhaan said and everyone looked at him and she widened her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She asked ignoring his sentence.

"I need to talk to you" He said and she rolled her eyes.

"And I said you that I don't want to talk to you about that shit." She said and got up.

"Reet listen to me" He followed her back.

"No" She said firmly.

"Once please" He said pleading and was roaming behind her like a puppy.

He had a pout on his face but she didn't spare a look at him. Because she knew he'll make those faces.

"Don't make that face" She said warning him and he sucked the breath and smiled knowing it Was working.

"And don't tail behind me" She said while glaring at him. Everyone were looking at him like a alien. Because the RUHAAN OBEROI who doesn't give a shit about anything is pleading her.

He was done of everyone's look so he cleared his throat and asked for a last time.

"For a last time I'm asking will you listen to me? " He asked and she gave tight lipped smile to him.

"No" She said while banging the files on the desk.

"That's it then " He said and held her wrist tightly and dragged her inside the cabin.

She looked at him with shock and then turned back and looked everyone there stood there with a widened eyes and she gupled.

"Ruhaaan you bastard leave me" She screamed and he just gave a look and held her hand more tightly.

He dragged her inside and closed the door and Raj looked at him with a horrified expression.

"Now you tell her she is not ready to listen me" Ruhaan said and she glared at him.

"Reet please listen to him once" Raj said and she glared at him too.

"You also are you both serious? " She asked with a disbelief and both of them looked at each other.

"Reet we have a reason" Raj said and reet raised her eyebrows.

"Reason? " She said and Raj started Explaining her. Ruhaan looked at her with a hope and she smiled agreeing and he grinned.

"So what if she caught that we are lying then? Like sirf 2 mahine m girlfriend" She asked and Raj thinked something.

"I have an idea" He said.

"What? " Both of them asked.

"Ruhaan do one think impregnate her and tell that she is going to be mother of your baby. It will save you both and she will think it will be true" He said and Reets jaw fell down where as ruhaan cursed him.

"Shut the fuck up" Ruhaan and Reet said in angry tone together.

"What it's good idea" Raj said.

"Are you retarded ? " Ruhaan asked with a gritted teeth.

"Are you for real? " Reet said shooting draggers on him.

"I'm mean jhut bol dena thodi na wo pregnancy test karwayegi" Raj said and ruhaan stried towards him where as he ran from his cabin.

"Fucker" He cursed and looked at reet who was standing there awkwardly.

"Ignore him" He said and she nodded.

"So what I have to do? " She asked.

"Introduce yourself as my girlfriend in front of her and act as girlfriend" He said.

"But I have never been anyone's girlfriend" She said nad ruhaan who has doing something looked at her in shock.

"Really? " He asked and she nodded. And smile was threating to come on his face but he hid it.

"Actually-" Reet was to say something but she tripped on her hells and directly landed on his lap.

He catched her and she her hips directly contacted with his thighs making her sit there.

They looked at her each him holding her from her waist tightly and her hands were locked on his neck.

They were sharing an intimate moment when suddenly a woman barged into his cabin.

"Ruhaan you know that your pa-who the fuck is she? " The woman who came inside screamed and ruhaan cleanched his jaw.

He saw her glaring at reet and made her stand but reet being reet didn't move.

"Don't you basic manners to knock before you enter someone's cabin? " She said with a sarcasm and looked at her.

"Ruhaan who is she? Who the fuck are you talk to me like this? Can't you say anything? " She screamed and reet just chuckled.

She looked at ruhaan who nodded his head telling that she is the same girl. Agarwal's daughter Jiya agarwal.

She thought something and smirked and ruhaan furrowed his brows.

"You bitch can't you get up? " She scrowled again and ruhaan's jaw clenched indicating that he was angry now. Before he was say something reet locked her hands even tighter on his neck and looked at jiya and then back and ruhaan with smile she said

"I'm his girlfriend" Jiya widened her eyes and looked at ruhaan who was smiling seeing her move.

Reet looked back at her and then at ruhaan.

"Ruhaan she? How? " Jiya said with horror.

"Dare to say anything about her you will see worst " Ruhaan said and she glared at reet.

Reet looked at her and smirked and moved her hands on ruhaan's face and Caressed his cheek and slowly kissed him on the left side of his cheek.

"We will continue later baby" She said and got up from his lap after giving him one more kiss and Ruhaan sat there shocked. He smiled sheepishly like a child got his favorite candy.

"Stop wandering on him do you get that" Reet warned her and left from his cabin with a proud smile.

"Ok let's start the mission fake girlfriend"

⋆ ˚。⋆

Byeee byee.

Thankyou 💋

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