26. The emotions




Suna hai, suna hai, ye rasm-e-wafa hai

Jo dil pe nasha hai, wo pehli dafa hai

Suna hai, suna hai, ye rasm-e-wafa hai

Jo dil pe nasha hai, wo pehli dafa hai


Reet's pov:-

Everything is just looking like a dream now and guess what it's Ruhaan. The man I hated he is with me, he is in my dreams. And if it's a dream I don't want to end this beautiful dream of mine. He said sorry to me, he apologized , he consoled me when I got that nightmare. He thought I would have not noticed it but i did. I notice him every time.

From the day i saw him,I notice his every little things. I know when he wakes up, when he hits the gym, when he eats, what he eats, what he likes to wear. I noticed everything about him. But the things didn't turn out good between us from starting. Our first meeting was started with a fight then I continued to extent that we literally laid out our anger onto each other. We both were wrong I digged up his past and he left me all alone at that road.

But it was not his fault that he didn't knew about my nightmare. But the wrong thing he did was leaving me there. I was upset, angry, hurt what not. But my heart screamed when I saw him everytime trying to talk to me. In the office, in the house everywhere. I stopped eating with them so that i could not see him and he would be happy. But i was wrong he wanted to see me, make things better between us. He tried everytime but it was me who pushed him off everytime. But he didn't give up instead of that started poking me. Which made us fight again in that shower. But the next day was unexpected he took care of me. He is the best man, he is the way I thought about him. Better than anyone.

Raj also tried to make things between us. Because I told him everything and he was ready to beat ruhaan for what he did. But i stopped because he is his best friend. He said me that he is trying to talk to me i was shocked but then the overthinking took up me and i thought it's his some kind of plans but no he really was on knees for me, just for me, he smiled after this many years.

He was never like this his past made him like this. He deserves everything. He is best. She was so stupid to leave him.

"If I would have been his girlfriend kabhi chodhti hi nahii..shaadi karke hi maanti" I said and a voice brought me out from my thoughts.

"Madam yeh apka maggie" The dhabha wala bhaiya said while keeping the plate on the table. I looked at it and Ruhaan took the plate.

"What the fuck your not gonna eat this, are you mad? Itna theeka? " He said and i glared at him. He nervously looked at me but soon glared me back.

"Ruhaan give me that plate" I said but he shook his head and took a spoonful of maggie and took a bite. As soon he gulped his eyes widened. He stoop up drinking the water.

"What the fuck it's full of red chilly" He said while gulping the water and I laughed at him.

"Your laughing at me? " He asked in disbelief and i laughed more.

"I said you , you didn't listen. Now let me eat " I said and took the plate while he was glaring at the people who were looking at them.

"Stop glaring at them ruhaan" I said and he huffed and sat down again. I started eating maggie while he was looking at me like I'm a ghost.

"What?" I asked him and he just gulped.

"Why are you staring at me like iam an alien? " I said Irritatingly.

"How can you eat that, I mean it's so spicy" He said and i just chuckled.

We finished the food from there and went out and suddenly it started raining.

I got excited and trust me it was so good. The rain drops were falling on my hands. I was going but he caught my hand and settled me beside of him.

"Cmon ruhaan have some fun" I said and ran from his hold.

I stood at the middle of road and stretched my hands wide and let the rain fall on me. The way every drop falled bought peace. He was scolding me from there, so i went towards him and pulled him with me.

"Reet you're on your periods, did you forget that ? " He asked me and i just grinned.

"Don't worry I can handle and now enjoy with me" I said and he shook his head. I thought he will move back but he was standing there looking at me.

"Just don't stare at me do one thing stretch your hands, remove this cap of hoddie, hold your face up and let the drops fall on you" I said and he did exactly same. I twirled at the road with happiness and he was just looking at me with smile.

"Reet let's go you'll get sick" He said while holding my hands and i just lost my balance. Resulting into fall me in his arms, he held my waist tightly and looked in my eyes. Rain droplets were falling on the both of us.

I giggled in his arms and he held me tightly more. I leaned towards him more and suddenly he held my hands keeping on his shoulders, so i could balance. We were so close to each other our breaths mixing with each other and my heartbeats raising fast due to close proximity.

He held my chin wiping the water from my lower lip which made my widen my eyes. I looked at him and his orbs were making me go crazy and if he would have been my man I may kiss him right now and my fantasty would get completed.

I bit my both lips together and inhaled and he cursed .

"Fuck" and looked away for one minute.

Slowly rain started to stop and we decided to go back to home. He held my hand and made me come with me, like I'm a child. We were walking that's when suddenly I sneezed.

"Acchooo" I sneezed while rubbing my nose.

"I said you, par tumhe toh sunai nahi deta hai haina" He scolded me and i just looked down murmuring a 'sorry'

(You can't listen right)

We were on the way when a question suddenly came into my mind.

"Ruhaan can i ask you something? " I said and he stopped walking and turned towards me.

"You can ask me anything" He said.

"Why did you put so efforts on me, you could have just left me right" I said nervously while looking down but he held my chin making me face him.

"Because I wanted to" He replied shortly and i nodded at him. I started walking again but he stopped me. He held my face in his hands and i swear I was looking so small in his hands, he is big -ihh mean in height.

"I wanted us to be together"

"I wanted to start everything from starting with a healthy friendship"

I was shocked after listening him, "why? Why? When did it happen? When did he started feeling for me? When? Does he also likes me as I like him." I said in my mind and I realized that I really like him so much, and not from now I like him but just the situation was different..

"Yes I like him hurrraayy" I said inu mind with a big smile on my face.

"Why? " I asked him and he just smiled rubbing his head with the keys of car.

He again holded my face and said

"Because you mean to me alot reet"
He said and kissed my forehead. I was numb to answer anything just tears were flowing from my eyes continuously . He looked at me Worriedly.

"Reet did I do anything wrong?" He asked with a concern.

"No" I said and hugged tigthly him making him stumble back . I cried in his embrace while he hugged me back.

"Reet? Calm down. Why are you crying" He said while slowly rubbing my back while I snuggled more into him. His hug provided me peace.

His embrace gives peace and tranquility to me. We were hugging each other at the middle of the road and our trance broke when a teenage couple said.

"See them they look so cute, her boyfriend is hugging her at the middle of road and you can't even hug me privately" She said angrily and i just looked at ruhaan.

He was stunned too to speak anything while I just avoided eye contact and came out of his embrace.

"Babe listen to me" He said to his girlfriend who just walked off in anger and I tucked my hairs strands behind my ear while nervously looking at him.

"Chale" He said and I nodded. While I smiled like a child while hitting my head lightly.

We sat in the car, I was afraid as his seats will get wet but he said that I should not worry about it.

We reached home while that "boyfriend" Was still hovering into my mind. I blushed agian.

"Reet? Where are you lost?" He asked

"In you" I said but soon realized that what I blurted out . He just smirked at me.

"I-hh mean ahh that just I was thinking something" I said while walking out of car and he just raised his eyebrows and I whined.

"Stop it" I said and held his hand while dragging him inside the mansion as there was no one just us. We both were wet due to rain. He was giggling with me , we were walking just holding each other hands but what shocked me was there was di and jiju standing at the doorsteps. They looked shock too.

"You both together, laughing, holding hands? "Jiju said with a shocked face and we looked at each other.

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Author's pov:-

" Bhai, bhabhi you both at this time? "Ruhaan asked nervously while they just stared at them.

" Why we can't be at home?" Siddhart asked .

"No jiju it's like we didn't knew you both will be so early " Reet said and looked at ruhaan who was already looking while still holding her hands.

"Let's go inside first you get changed otherwise you'll fall sick , already you have started sneezing" Ruhaan said and siddhart and shaanvi were shocked again seeing him caring about someone that is not kiaana.

Siddhart smiled looking at them getting normal while shaanvi just looked ruhaan with question whereas he just nodded at her, giving her relief she smiled too and they went inside.

"Reet come let's go get changed" Shaanvi said and she nodded her head and removed her hand from his hold while smiling..

Both of them started walking upstairs with kiaana in her arm who had fallen asleep. Ruhaan was just staring at her retreating figure. His eyes didn't leave her. She moved upstairs his eyes followed her. She moved to right side his eyes just followed her. Reet looked back and noticed him staring at her intently. She averted her gaze immediately when he caught her. He smiled widely looking at her. They were having their own moment where as siddhart was looking at them and was shocked to see ruhaan this changed. It made him remember his own days when he used to stare at shaanvi lovingly. Ruhaan too had those emotions in his eyes. He smiled after so many years that also it was a wide smile.

He broke ruhaan staring competition while tapping him and he just came into his senses.

"So what's going on?" He asked.

"What nothing" He said casually.

Soon shaanvi came down and stood with him. She too asked the same question.

"What happened to you both. Kya hi puch rahe ho aap log" He said and they shook their head.

"I apologized to her, she accepted now we are on good terms" He said and climbed the stairs hurriedly without giving a chance to them to speak. They we're getting shocks on shocks.

"Siddhart isn't ruhaan is looking like before, our ruhaan" She said happily and siddhart nodded.

"Reet is the reason" He said smiling and made their way to the room.

Ruhaan was in his room changing when he suddenly heard her screaming.


"Reet what happened? " He asked.

"Can't you lock down while changing what if I would have seen something then? " She said covering his eyes. He looked at her confused then at himself. Then realized why she screamed. He was just in trousers.that also button opened.

"I'm so so-sorryy" He said while buttoning up and reet peeped from her hands and sees him and says.

"Get changed I'm waiting" She said and he nodded and hurriedly went towards the wardrobe and changed into night suits. He came out and sees her standing still eyes closed. He looks her wearing a plain white night dress with cherries Imprinted on it. And a shorts of same which reached till her things giving him a perfect view. But he was soon to avert his gaze.

"Fuck off you can't think dirty ruhaan" He murmured to himself.

"Reet I'm done" He said and she opened her eyes and sighed.

"Can't you stop roaming like this all time your just naked" She said narrowing his eyes.

"I was not naked" He said

"And can you stop eye raping me? " He asked her and she gasped at his words

"I raped you? Ahh I mean eye raped you? " She asked being shocked.

"What do you think I didn't notice you while everytime staring at me from your balcony to my gym" He said while smirking and she lost her words.

"I didn't stare at you" She said and he pinned her between the wall of balcony and him.

"Didn't you?" He asked while sliding his one hand on her waist and other hands fingers silded on her face. He sensually glided his forefinger from her eyes to jaw and she closed her eyes. He Smirked seeing his effect on her.

"Sttiopppp" She said.

"Why, what I am doing? "He said and that's when she pushed him while glaring. He just chuckled..

" You wanted to talk? "He asked

" Thank you so much Ruhaan, thankyou so much for taking care of me, for making me feel haapy, it has been years that somebody have done this for me"she said while tears filled in her eyes . He pulled her and embraced in a hug.

"I'm always there for you reet" He said kissing her forehead.

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Here's the next update...

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