20. His concern

Reet 's pov:-

I was sitting quietly wiping my tears. I didn't sleep afterwards because if i slept, those nightmares will haunt me again. So i can't sleep.

Through blink of my eyes i didn't knew when the sun began to rise and the birds started chirping. It was a bright morning but my life isn't a bright one.
It's dark, which haunts me..

I sat up on the swing of the balcony, restraining my tears. The wind hit on my face making my hairs fly backwards. I didn't had any energy left to go down and speak anything. He also wants me to stay away from him. So now onwards I'll not go where he will be there and moreover it's his house.

I thought to dress up and leave for office. Ill learn self transport now, depending on jiju is not good. He has a family to take care. I got ready and took my bag and essential things and went to office.

Taking a cab, this is what i could do now. And I'll try to stay away from everyone as much possible. I'll not disturb them.


Ruhaan's pov:-


It was morning as it is but the things are not same now. I was in the gym when i saw her in the balcony
Yes, there's an clear view of her balcony through the window.

She was sitting on the swing all drained out. The soft wind flew hitting her face and some strands of her hair flew backwards giving a clear view of her face. I noticed her tear striken face, dull eyes and red nose, which was clearly indicating she has cried so much.

My heart clenched seeing her like that and after realizing the reason was me. Because of me she is crying. I wanted to see her more but she got up and went inside.

I sighed and moved to my room, i didn't had any courage to face anyone. Their glares, taunts thats what I am going to get and i deserve it i know. I came out of my room and my eyes fell on the door which was slightly open. My steps itself moved towards her room.

I peeked inside but there was no one, my steps haltedly moved inside and there was no one, i guess she must be in the bathroom.

I sighed and moved but my eyes fell on the things that were scattered at corner. There was a some clips, pins and all but my eyes moved towards a bottle which contained pills.

"Which pills are they?" i asked to myself.

I should move from here, if anyone sees me here they will be think me as some creep. My mind was getting bad thoughts about this. So i thought to click a pic and then ask to some doctor or chemist.

I quickly took a picture and left from there but gave a glance again, i wanted to see her. My heart was not at rest. I can get to see her at dining table. Yes i can.. So i went fastly. There were everyone but she was nowere to seen.

My eyes roamed everywhere in search of only one person but she was not present.

"Where she must be?" i asked to. Myself.

"Why you care so much?" my mind asked me.

"Shut up i want to see her If she's fine or not" i said to him.

"Why?" he asked me agian

"because i care for her" i said

"From when?" he asked.

"From yesterday"


"Now shut up, thats it's i don't want to answer" i said. I care for her. I fucking care for her and i realized it now. I don't know but the night i heard a scream, but whose voice was it?

"Was it reet? Fuck if it's she then i want to see her."

This is what i thought at night, but door was not open.

We were having breakfast when suddenly bhai asked.

"did reet eat anything?"

"No, she's not in her room, even she's not at home" she said with tension.

"it's ok let her give some lone time" he said and she nodded her head.

I wanted to ask her how is she. But i was not able. After doing this much to her sister i can't ask how she is?.

I was staring at my plate with fork in my hand. I was just rotating the omlet i had in it. Twisting it to left , right. I was tapping continuously on the table because nervousness was kicking inside of me.

"Tap tap tap"

"the food is for eating ruhaan, not to Play, and stop making those sounds" bhai said and stopped it.

"i-" i tried to say but seeing him, i kept quiet.

Fuck why iam not able to speak now.

After having breakfast he got a call so he moved from there and i got a chance to ask.


"Yes" she said with a smile.

"Ah, i mean reet vo, vo" why the fuck i was stumbling.

"What did she do now?" she asked with serious expression.

"No, no she did nothing, I'm just asking" i tried to ask again but the words were dying in my throat.

"Ruhaan say it clearly, i can't understand" she said and i nodded.

"bhabhihowisshe, issheok, ijustwantedtoaskthis" i said everything thing in one go.

"Huh, ruhaan say it clearly" she said me again being confused of my words.

I cleared my throat and said again
"how is she? Is she ok?" i just and as she was to answer bhai came and i looked down again.

"I'll be leaving, if reet comes tell her to take a leave" he said

What the heck, if she didn't come how i will talk to her. I thought to shrugg off everything
I stood and went to my car, while driving I was just remembering everything yesterday happened. Her face, her eyes which had tears.

I didn't knew when i reached office. I got down and went towards office. When i saw her sitting there, with her friends. I got a relief after looking her all good.

I could look at her more if i stand there and look at her,everyone may call me a creep. I took a last glance at her and went inside where my loveliest friend was standing there.

"Good morning" i said him and he rolled his eyes.

"This file, get ready for the meeting its at 10:30"he said and left. what the fuck is wrong with everyone.

Time flew off and meeting was over, I didn't much concentrated on meeting because my mind was roaming on her.
I thought to talk to her. I called her with some excuses.

"can i come in?" i heard the most awaiting voice.


She came inside and stood there.

"this design are approved and started the work on it, i wish you can check once according to your preference." i said and she nodded.

"Ok sir" she said. What the hell she called me sir.

"what did you call me?" i asked her again to confirm.

"sir" she said


"yes your my boss, so i. I'll call you sir" she said and my heart clenched very badly this time, when she said I'm just her boss and nothing much.

"Reet are you okay?" i asked and she looked at me and chuckled but her eyes were not same. It had anger, tears, agony and some hatred too towards me.

She looked at me again and said
"call me if it's much important sir, I'm not free to waste my precious time for you" she said and i was sitting there dumbfounded. What happened to her?, why is she behaving like that?.

"What you want her to be, nice and cool after what you have done with her?" my mind asked me. He is not wrong tho she won't like to stay after what you did.

"wasn't this you always wanted, her to stay away from you? Then why it is concerning you much?" i don't know what's wrong with my brain. It always gives me stupid thoughts. I shrugged off the feeling and went outside just to see her and Raj talking about something and she smiled at him.

She fucking smiled at him and when she is with me, she never smiled like this. Momentarily my hands clenched into A fist and to punch that bastards face was getting much.

That's when bhai suddenly came and he was shocked to see her.

"reet when did you come here?" he asked.

"Umm-at 8:30 probably" she said. What she was so early here but how did she come here?

"But reet how did you come here?" he asked, yes bhai ask her because she will not answer me.

"i should learn to be independent, without depending on anyone. It's good for me if i start doing my work by myself, so self transportation is not bad right?. And even because of me i don't want di and kiaana's happiness to die. Before me it was you who always picked them, so i think i should stop interfering in my sister's life "she said with a smile which didn't reach to her eyes. Raj and bhai looked at each other.

" Reet it's not like that yo-"he wad saying but she interrupted.

" it's ok jiju, i should stop bothering you all now, I'm an adult of 23 years "she said and i knew her words had meanings.

Words that had much emotions.

Words that were heaet wrenching.

Words that came straight from her heart.

And listening her my heart was not at peace. It started giving pain and i don't know why? Why it's happening? But this time I'm gonna do what is good for us.



Hola everybody..


And for further spoiler do follow me on Instagram.

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