19. Her nightmares

Reet's pov:-

"Reet stop" shaanvi stopped her and she stopped on her tracks.

"What did you tell to ruhaan?" she asked and reet turned towards her.

"Huh, what?" she asked.

"Did you told him anything reet about his girlfriend." she said and reet rolled her eyes.

"you did reet right? I said you na never ever bring that topic again. Why did you do it.. Haan?" she asked her loudly..

"Because your dear brother in law needs reality check for what he did.what does he thinks of himself ki he is the great one. He can do everything and nobody can do. He is wrong di" Reet said and shaanvi gave her a glare.

"you know what reet because of your this attitude maa and papa always gets angry. Why can't you understand, so they always tell you to behave but you can't listen right?" she said and reet was blankly looking at her.

"kya karu main, if I'm like this, haan?" reet said done of her tauntings.

"yes I'm not perfect like you, and i don't want to be perfect like you. I like how iam. I don't need anyone's character certificate over me." she said and shaanvi realized what she said.

"Reet i m not giving you a character certificate" she said and reet chuckled.

"You didn't mean anything i know but you never supported me, isn't it. Hamesha main hi galat hoti hu apki nazaro mein." she said and tears started filling in her eyes

(I'm always wrong for you)

"Reet listen -" shaanvi tried to speak but reet interrupted

"if anyone tries to ruin my hardwork, I'm not going to leave either be him or my own sister " she said and moved from there.

Reet went from there but shaanvi was standing there dumbfounded after what REET said. She didn't knew that she thinks she has never supported her.
Siddhart looked at her and comforted her.

" why do you always blame her shaanvi, why can't you see Ruhaan is at fault?" he asked her and she looked at him and sobbed.

"Shh, calm down lets look at her she must be tired and about ruhaan I'll look after him." he said.

Anyone didn't had dinner they made kiaana eat. There parents were gone for a wedding. Only Siddhart, shaanvi, kiaana, ruhaan and reet were left.

Reet moved inside the room and closed the door. She pressed her back on the door while releasing her sobs. She fall down on the floor while crying realizing that anyone doesn't like here. Everyone tries to remove her out of their lives.

She was totally broken now . Her cries were so much that she kept her palm to slow down the voice but tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.

Her head falled off on the back of the door while she cried. She pulled her knees up to her chest and only his words and her sister's words were hovering into her mind.

She cried more after knowing no one needs her, everyone hates her. So they never wanted in their life. Even her parents.

"I can't believe your my daughter. Never ever my daughter can do this, I'm ashamed of you." she remembered her father's words and sniffed.

She got up and moved in bed drinking water but it wasn't easy for her. She didn't knew when she slept thinking about everything.

Well on the other side..

Ruhaan was in the gym, hitting the punching bag. He was wenting out his every anger. He sat down with a thud sweat was dripping from his body. He closed his eyes and her face flashed.

"Ruhaan you can't leave me here, ruhaan listen to me" he remembered her words and her eyes which was full of tears.

"Fuck,how can i do that? . How i left her there? " he said, yes he realized what he did but the damage was already done now. He couldn't handle his anger and that were the results of his anger.

"How can you leave a girl at abandoned road ruhaan ?" he asked to himself while punching again the bag.

Yes the anger he had was not because reet brought his past. It was because he left her there all alone, in tears. She pleaded him but he didn't listen.

" your a human ruhaan, where the fuck is your humanity. How could you do this, what if something might had happened her?" his subconscious was asking him but he didn't had any answer regarding to it. So he was punishing himself while continuously punching a bag with bare hands and now his were swollen and if he continues then it might start bleeding.

" You have to apologize to her" his subconscious mind said.

"Fuck no" he said

"you have to"


"you have to ruhaan, she even asked you to be her friend but you didn't, so now say sorry for everything" his mind said.

And he realized what deeds he has done with her from the starting to now.

"Fuck stop it" he screamed.

"what if something had happened her then? , fuck no i should check on her" he stood up and fastly went towards her room and he held the knob of door, opening it but it didn't open.

"It means she's inside" he said and sighed.

He went to his room but his heart wasn't at state so he thought to check once again but this time from the balcony. He went there but the door was locked from her side.

"Fuck" he said while hitting the wall

He once again looked at door kneely and sighed, he went to his room and took a shower but her face was not leaving his mind. Her tears striken face was coming in front of him whenever he closed his eyes.

"don't think of it ruhaan, it's ok" he said himself and came out of the shower. He went towards his wardrobe and took a joggers wearing it he slept there, not knowing what will he do after facing her.


At night :-

A girl was seen of 18 years and a boy of 20 years. Both were laughing with each other.

"Cmon I'll take you somewhere you will be happy" the boy said.

"Huh., where don't say you have planned something" the girl teased him.

"Well i have" he said while slightly rubbing his neck.

"Realllyyy? Oh my god, what it is?" she squealed with happiness.

"Well it's surprise pretty lady" he said and she slightly blushed for pretty lady.

"So let's ho?" he asked her.

"Yep, lets go I'll just inform to anyone" she said.

"No it's OK i already did" he said


"Yes, now come we are getting late." he said and she started walking with him.

He took her outside of the roads. It was an scheduled area. She was getting lightly scared.

"where are we going?" she asked him.

"shh... Don't worry there's an place there." he said.

He took her inside of the area where there was trees, bushes, covered fully with leaves. Not a light was there. She was getting scared now.

"why have you brought me here? , answer me iam getting scared." she said.

"To have fun"he said with a smirk.

" huh? "

" Guys, come out "he said and a group of boys came. They were 5 of them including him.

" What are you doing and why all of them are here? "she asked being scared.

" we are going to have fun darling "he said while holding her.

" leave me"she said.

She tried to run but he catches her. She bites on her hand and ran from there.

"fucking catch her" he said and they catched her throwing on the ground.

"YOUR MY BEST FRIEND" she said while crying

"tsk, tsk silly if you to think," he said with a deadliest smirk.

He came and touched her neck and face. She tried to remove his hand. But he held her throat and his hand went down towards her breast. He touched it dirtly while she was begging him to leave her.

" please don't touch me"

"please i beg to you"

"Your my best friend"

"why your doing this."

"please let me go."

"don't please"

She screamed but he didn't leave her.

"please save me, please"

"AHHHHH-" there was a loud scream and reet woke up with a jerk. It was her nightmare.

Her hands trembling that was covering her body. Her face was covered with sweat and she was taking harsh breaths.

"Please don't touch me, anyone save me please, please" she started murmuring while breathing badly. Her breaths were not normal. She held her chest which was rising up and she started having her panic attack.

She got up from the bed and went towards the wardrobe searching for something. She threwed everything from the cupboard and her health was getting bad.

She was searching but in panic she was not able to get it. She composed her self. Wiping the sweat from her face she calmly searched for her pills. She got it in her drawer.

She took it and relaxed herself on the door of wardrobe. She was so thankful to herself that she bought those pills with her.

She sat down while crying miserably. She was so shocked to have that nightmare again after these many years. She rubbed her body to remove those touches that she got in her dream.

She got up and went to bathroom, she onned the shower and let the cold water touch her body. She harshly removed her clothes and rubbed her body. She was rubbing towards her neck, breasts and face. She rubbed so harshly that there were scratches on her body now. She silently sat down in the shower and whispered.

"you made my worst nightmare come true ruhaan.i had forgotten everything but because of you it's haunting me again and for that I'll never forgive you."



Hola everyone....

The chapter is up and i hope you liked it.

Do share your thoughts about their behavior and her past

Thanks youuuuhh....

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