18. She is not a family

Reet's pov:-

"Ruhaan you cannot leave me here, it's a dark place. Ruhaan listen to me" i screamed but he didn't give a fuck and went from there.

My eyes were filled with tears after looking at the surroundings. All black there were just huge trees, bushes and a road with faint streetlights.

I wandered my eyes everywhere and found nothing. There was no one, not a single person was there not even an amimal. I started moving my legs on the side where ruhaan took a turn.

But my mind were corrupted with anonymous thoughts, i didn't wanted to think but my mind was not with me. It started giving me flashes of an dark night.

A night that changed my life.

A night that brought darkness in my life

A night when my parents lost trust on me.

A night which still haunts me.

I tried to shrugg off the thought and held my handbag tightly and started moving. There was a hush of sound that started coming and my throat dried. It was reminding me my past. 5 years back, the incident happened with me it was reminding me.

But my mind didn't listen me and soon i started getting flashes again.

"what are we doing here, its so dark?"

"what are you doing, stop?"

"Please don't touch me"

"please let me go"

"your my best friend"

"Ahh-stop, don't touch me".

"NO STOP" i screamed and tears started flowing from my eyes. I thought to call jiju otherwise my panic attack would start and i don't want it.

I searched for my phone and dialed jiju's number but call didn't connect. There was no network in the phone, i started panicking more, how will i tell them where I am?.

I started again to move but the darkness and silence started haunting me. I tried not to look besides of me and moved straight but again flashes started and i started breathing heavily.

I know it would lead me to bed if panic attacks start. Since 4 years i didn't get any panic attack. All thanks to jiju he consulted me to an good doctor, who made me forget of my panic attacks and past but now because of Ruhaan i started again feeling those fears inside of me.

I stopped thinking and again started walking fastly so i. Could move from here. As i walking a bunch of leaves fell on me, scaring my soul out that i screamed loudly.

This darkness was haunting me more and now tears were continuously flowing from my eyes. I shook my head wiping my tears and composing myself, i said.

"Stop it reet, here is no one. He can't come here, he will not. You cannot let your fear overpower you."

I was walking and i reached towards a way were there was two turns and i was confused where to go. I again looked back and abruptly turned frontside i can't look back.. I took my phone again so i can call but there was no network. I got urge to throw the phone.

Why did i agreed to jiju to come home with that monster, who left me Here at black streets. I was just thinking only that i saw a vehicle coming towards me and my breaths were heavy now. So i choose to avoid him but to my horror he came towards me. I saw him it was am taxi driver.

I started walking backside and he was following me and i felt like my past is repeating. I tried to run but he blocked my way.

"What are you doing move aside?" i said loudly

"But where are you going?" the taxi drive asked me.

"None of your concern" i said and moved but he came again.

"Do not follow me, If you try to touch me I'll kill you." i said to him

"Maam don't worry, i won't do anything" he said and i looked at him with eyes full of tears. Can i trust him. No right, i wont.

"Trust me maam i won't harm you, ill leave you were you want to go. At this late i can't let you go alone."he said but i was not sure off.

" Why are you trying to help me? "i asked him.

" i have a daughter too maam, i won't do anything. If you have a doubt you can check here i have a helpline number dialed in my phone. If you want you can call police if I do anything wrong with you. " he said with a smile and i looked at him..

"Thank you, but its okay ill go by myself" i said and started moving.

"But where you will go maam?" he said and i stopped at my tracks and turned towards him.


"The route from which your going is wrong, there's nothing till far away, there's only these jungles." he said and i realized that i don't know the routes at all.

"But what are you doing here?" i asked him being curious. If there's nothing then where was he going from this road.

"There's a small village far away and i stay there, i come here daily as my work. I usually don't go from this road but the previous one's there's a construction going on. So i chose to go from here." he said and i believed his words because he wasn't lying and i can see it.

" Don't worry maam you tell me were you want yo go, I'll leave you"he said

"It's ok bhaiyaa, I'll go you must be going its already so late." i said

"You called me brother, so I want you to reach home safely. Tell me where you want to go" he smiled amd said.

"OBEROI Mension" i said and he furrowed his brows.

"ok" he said and i sat inside.


Author's pov :-

More than 2 hours went and everyone were at home except reet, but little did siddhart and shaanvi knew. They thought she must be in her room because of the incidents happened today.

It was dinner time so shaanvi went to call her. She opened the door but reet was not there, even she checked everywhere.

"Sid reet is not there in her room" she said being worried.

"What?" he replied

"Yaa i checked everywhere, she is not there. Where she might be now" shaanvi said panicking.

"Shaanvi calm down, she must be home as ruhaan is there, she was with him"he said comforting her.

As they were talking Ruhaan came downstairs in casual clothes. He saw them and got confused seeing shaanvi panicking as he was to ask siddhart interrupted.

"Ruhaan, reet kaha hai?" he asked and ruhaan's jaw clenched.

{ ruhaan where is reet?}

"I don't know" he said casually.

"what do you mean you don't know, didn't i tell you to take her home?" he asked him in a anger tone.

"I did, now where is she i don't know" he said and sat on sofa picking kiaana in his arms.

"Ruhaan what did you do?" siddhart asked after done with his behavior but he wasn't answering to him and shaanvi got more worried.

"Ruhaan did reet do anything?" she asked him and he looked at her and chuckled.

"No bhabhi, she can't do anything. Galat toh hamesha mai hota hu" he said and looked at siddhart.

"Ruhaan where is reet, iam asking you for the last time? ." siddhart asked being Done of his nonsense talks.

"You know she was irritating me alot, so i left her at the road" he said as he has done a very good thing.

"What the fuck did you do?" it was now siddhart who shouted on him

"i left her at the road" he said again.

"Where did you leave her?" siddhart asked and shaanvi was shocked here tears were ready to spill from her eyes.

"i don't know" he said and this was much to add fuel in siddhart's anger. He went towards him and made him Stand

"Are you out of your mind" he shouted on him.

"Siddhart leave him, what are you doing" shaanvi said being horrified looking at his anger.

"Shaanvi don't stop me, I'm done of his behavior towards her. What he thinks of himself." he said

"There must be some reason sid, he can't do without a reason" she said handling the situation.

Siddhart at last looked at him and picked his phone to call her but is was unreachable. He got more scared after looking at the time.

"Why did you do it ruhaan?" he asked him again.

On the other side.....

"Maam if you wanted to go oberoi Mension, why you were going from this side?" the taxi driver asked.

"Uhh- i did not know the place so" she fumbled on her words

"oh, so your new here?" he asked her.

"yes" she replied

"So you didn't knew.,but it's an abandoned place. No one comes here it was closed many years before because of an accident" he said and reet was shocked.

"Its abandoned?" she asked being horrified. She thought ruhaan must be knowing but then also he left her here. In an abandoned road were anyone doesn't come and go. How can he do with me?.

"yes, your home maam." he said and she realized that she was here.

She was busy in her own thoughts that she didn't realise that she reached home. She thanked him and he left from there.

As she was entering inside when suddenly she listened siddharts voice.

"Why did you do it ruhaan?"

"because she wanted it.she started it. You know bhai i don't want anyone to interfere in my life but she digged up my past infront of me" he said with clear anger inside of him.

"Your past?" shaanvi asked.

"Yaa my past, that past which i hate so. Much" he said gritting his teeth's.

"So you left her all alone,huh?"siddhart asked.

" Yaa i left her because she is no one to me "he said with tint of hate in his voice.

" What do you mean, she is your bhabhi's sister, don't you remember that Ruhaan? " he asked with anger.

" Bhabhi ki not mine anything "he said

" Who is she bhai? No one, no one in my life. No one to judge me or my past. No one to give suggestions, no one.


"tell her to stay away from me" he said and went from there not knowing she was standing there and listening everything.

Reet was there standing and listening with tears in her eyes. after listening to him she was shattered to core, she was so shocked after knowing that what he thinks about her. He hated her that much that he can do anything to get her out.

She wiped her tears because she didn't wanted anyone to know that she heard everything..

She moved inside as siddhart was to come out to search for her. He sees her at doorstep.

"Reet are you fine? How did you come, you were safe right? He bombarded her with several questions.

" Jiju I'm fine don't worry "she said him with a weak smile and moved to go to her room that's when suddenly shaanvi stopped her.

" Stop reet. "

" What did you tell to Ruhaan "


Hola everyone...

So here's the new chapter.

I hope you liked it. As last chapter was up to your expectations..

I'm glad that everyone is loving the story 😭😭

Thankyouu so muchh.......


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