17. Get out

Ruhaan's pov:-

"Tsk, tsk ruhaan your plans failed, it didn't work."

"i told you not to mess with me. If you try to mess with me, ill do worst of it and I'll show you what reet mehra is"

This is what she said me at last after everyone exited from the meeting room. This time i failed miserably, i did every possible way to bring her down but what happened. I lost it, i fucking lost it.

In anger i kicked the chair which was beside of me. I don't know why my mind was literally fucked up. I didn't liked when she begged in front of them for one chance.

"but this is what you wanted right" my subconscious mocked me. Yes this is what i wanted but, why the hell I'm so confused about her. I don't know what i want from her.

"FUCK" I cursed and roamed my hands on my hairs which was already messed. I was raking it to calm down myself.

As i was sitting on chair bhai entered in the room and i looked at him.

"in cabin, now" he said and moved from there and i sighed and i know what must be coming now.

I went to my cabin and there stood my brother with folded arms and my friend almost glaring at me, i rolled my eyes and entered inside.

"What's the matter bhai?" i Asked him after knowing also why he has called me.

"what's the matter, you don't know ruhaan?" he asked me, his jaw lightly clenched and glaring at me.

"I don't." i said giving him a tight lipped smile.

"Stop this drama ruhaan, why did you do this with reet?" he asked and that's were my whole patience fucked off.

"Because i wanted to show here where she belongs, show her what she has done by entering into my life, by fucking up my life completely" i said with utmost anger i had inside of me that veins from my forehead popped up. Its not new when i get more angry or try to control myself it happens.

"So you decided to ruin her designs. Which she made with her hands not letting to get a ounce of sleep or food. She tried to give her best and what you did, you ruined her every design." He shouted on me and i didn't care about it.

"so, she also burned the file. You remember right? or you won't like to count your sister in laws deeds?" i mocked him.

"It was you ruhaan who deleted her drafts from laptop right.?" it was now raj.

"SO?" I said.

"so? From when you started doing this cheap things ruhaan, you don't know how much hard it is to design bride's jeweleries?" he said.

"yeah exactly Ruhaan from when you started doing this silly things, you are of 26 not 5 years old kid. Get some brain into your head or you have builded a wall there too?" bhai asked and i was just staring at him, not replying them anything which was increasing their blood pressure for sure.

"why the hell your not speaking Ruhaan?" he now shouted on me and i just scoffed.

"leave it bhai he has became just a disgusting man right now. Who just knows to satisfy his so called ego by ruining someone's hardwork and making them cry" Raj said and i just smiled.

"Hogya ap logo ka yaa aur kuch bacha hai" it was me now who said this and they were ready to punch me.

(is everything over of you all or anything us left)

"You know what Ruhaan,If next time you try to do any kind of these shits, I'm going terminate you from CEO's position" he said and i clenched my jaw, how can he say that.

"You know you can't do that". I said while gritting my teeths and he chuckled.

"Did you forget that I am the president of the company?" he said with a smirk and left from there and raj came towards me.

"Now what you want to say in defense of your dear friend" i said and he sighed.

"Ruhaan we are not defending her, she got equal scoldings from us, but you did was not acceptable." he said and i turned my head because my anger now was reaching to heights.

"You know what, just leave it I'm done with her" i said and he just nodded his head and left from there.

I sat on the chair, closing my eyes and removing tie from my neck. I just tilted my head on chair, letting little sleep engulf me.

It was now the evening and i was leaving that when i saw bhai telling something to her and she was refusing it. Not paying more heed to them, i started moving towards my car But bhai called me.

"yes" i said as i went towards him, glaring the person beside him and she was doing the same.

"Take reet to home with you." he said and i spat at him.

"What? Iam not doing that" i said and he glared at me.

"You are! I'm having some work and on the way i have to pick shaanvi and kiaana" he said.

"I'll pick them" i said

"No you are not, take reet to home carefully" he said and went and she was just staring at the other way.

I started walking knowing i can't do anything, i can't disobey my brother. I was moving but she was standing there, what she wants now, should i send an card to come her here.

"Should i send you an invitation card" i said and she stamped her foot on ground and came.

I have never let sit anyone at the front seat rather than kiaana, but now i should tolerate her.

"I'm not going to open door for you, come fast otherwise ill leave you here" i said and she quickly sat down and i started driving towards the home.

On the way my mind was just on my brother's and best friends words.

"you have become cheap"

"your disgusting"

"Your not a kid ruhaan "

" have some brain"

"I'll terminate you from CEO's position".

FUCK how can he say that he will terminate from ceo 's position. Doesn't he know how hard i have worked to be here. Doesn't raj know how iam.

I was just thinking and getting more angry and she is just making my anger worse through that voice from her phone.

"Can you shut your phone" i said her.

"now what's your problem?" she asked gritting her teeth.

"Your the whole fucking problem" i said and speeded the car and she said something that caught my attention.


Author's pov :-

"I'm the problem or i made you lose that is your problem or i always degrade your ego that's your problem coz never anyone has said you something right" Reet said and he abruptly turned towards her.

"You? You can win over me?" he asked chuckling at her words

"You know what ruhaan you have big fat like ego that's makes you an selfish person who can go to any extent to degrade a person." she said and his hold on steering tightened.

"I'm selfish a person and i don't fake like others" he said and chuckled.

"yeah, you can great with this attitude, ego who can't see anyone win. You don't want anyone to be higher than you right" she said and now his knuckles were turning white due to tight hold on the steering wheel.

"And you know because of that know one stays with you, even your girlfriend" she said and he abruptly stopped the car with a jerk, she haulted but didn't stop as her anger was off limits now.

"She didn't cheat on you Ruhaan, she left you because of you so called ego. Because of your attitude. She left you" she said and that's when lost his every ounce of patience.

He started the car with a jerk and speeded it to limits making her shrink at her place. He abruptly took a harsh turn, his hold on steering wheel was so thight that his knuckles were white and veins were popping through it.

He took a different turn and reet looked at him. She must die if she say that she was not scared. She was horrified after the turns and the speed of car. She looked outside and her mind haulted. She knew it was different route, its not the same route she always go from.

"Ruhaan it's different road, where are you taking me?" she asked freaking out but screamed when he speeded the car more and stopped with a jerk.

"OUT" he said.

"HUH?" She responded nonchalantly.

"GET OUT OF THE CAR" he screamed at her, freaking her soul out. She looked outside it was dark with huge trees which was scaring her.

"Are you insane how can you say it" she said and Ruhaan moved out, moving to her side, he opened the door and harshly pulled her out and held her shoulders tightly saying.

"Get out of my fucking life too" he said and sat inside of car.

"Ruhaan how can you leave me here, it's an dark place, ruhaan listen to me" she said being horrified with tears in her eyes but he didn't give A Damn to her.

"I fucking don't care, call uber, taxi or bhai" he said and drove off and reet was standing there being shocked.

"You fucking monster" she said but soon her body was shreaking with fear. She was feeling so scared looking at the surroundings and her mind was flashing her some past. But composing herself she started moving towards the back side of the road where ruhaan took a turn. But hussing sounds of trees and bushes were scaring her soul out and she closed her eyes and her past flashed her.

"NO, STOP" She screamed.


Holaaa everyone.

So here's the most awaiting chapter.

And also about Ruhaan's behavior, isn't he is a jerk.?

And what must happened with reet that she screamed?

For further spoiler  do follow me on Instagram.

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