16. The biggest clash

Author's pov:-

The day went smooth and at night reet was prepared with the designs and her presentation. With a huge smile on face she slept.

Were on the other side Ruhaan was lying on bed thinking about tomorrow's clash that is going to be happen, he didn't knew what he will do, but knew that he will do something for sure, but for a moment he thinked about her, daily she woke up till late completing every designs, even she showed some to him when she used to find him in hall or corridor. She has worked alot to complete her dreams and he also knew that her relation with her parents are not good, if she didn't get the desired amount of sallary they will marry her off.

"i don't want to her to get married, everyone has dreams and everyone can fulfill it. Her parents are no one to deicide her future" he said but then realized again thats he wants her to go from here.

"no no ruhaan, concentrate you want her out off your life" he said calming down his soft sidde heart.

"am i doing something wrong? Will she leave from here?" his heart asked to him.

"don't fuck up my mind now and i made a decision, I'll destroy her in every possible ways" he said and slept down, not knowing what is going to happen now.


Next morning -

Everything was well and good, Reet and Ruhaan were on the dining table having their breakfast. Soon they got up together and as reet was to go she sensed some uneasiness inside her.

"Reet are you fine?" shaanvi asked after seeing her tensed.

"yes, but i don't know why I'm feeling scared." Reet asked sighing.

"it's ok, its your first presentation everything will be well and good, don't worry give your best. Ok?" shaanvi said comforting her little sister.

They were in the office and Reet was going through the details that she has to give. In that meantime Ruhaan called her.

" Miss mehra the meeting is at 11'o clock sharp"he said and she nodded.

"words miss mehra" he said and she rolled her eyes and giving him a tight lipped smile she said.

"ok, I'll be at time" as she was to go, he interrupted again

"And submit your designs to me before the meeting" he said

"ok" and she went from there but her heart was not on ease.

"Why the hell I'm scared?" she said to herself and whined.

Soon it was time to meeting but there was 20 minutes left as ruhaan said she gave her designs to him but she was not willing to give it and here ruhaan was smirking looking towards the designs. he was thinking what to do of it, that soon one of the peon brought a cup of coffee for him as he was to drink, some idea clicked on his mind and he took her file removing every paper and spreaded it on floor and poured his whole coffee on it and coffee cup too..

The papers were soaking the coffee and Reet entered in the cabin but her eyes went towards the paper and she was shocked looking at it.

"What the fuck happened here?" she asked and he just chuckled. she made her way to pick up the paper but in return, it resulted in to tear up because of coffee. Her eyes were filled with tears and she got up and moved towards him.

"Why the fuck did you do it Ruhaan?" she screamed.

"voice down miss mehra, and about it, actually coffee cup slipped from my hand and a it fell on those files." he saud with a fake concern and stood up here reet was getting much more anger after seeing it.

"Tsk, Tsk now what will you do, which design you gonna show them" he tsked looking at her who was crying and her face was red with anger.

"why did you do this?" she asked and he dangerously came towards her and said.

"to make you realize, you did a very big mistake after entering into my life" he said and she clenched her palms and

"so you did this, it was my hard work ruhaan" she screamed at him.

"you also did same right, you took my deal to you isn't it"? He also said and now reet lost her mind.

She came towards him and held his collar "are you insane utni si baat k liye you just spoiled my designs" she said and tears were flowing from her eyes.

He jerked her hands and she moved back but again raised her hand to slap him but he held her hand twisting it to her back and moved towards her while speaking dangerously

"Be in your limits Reet mehra, i won't mind before killing your ego"

She moved and he went outside and as he was moving there was a tuck on his hand and he turned and soon there was a sound


she threw her bubble tea on him, yes it was reet as he came she also moved and took tea from her desk and threwed the whole cup on him and here he was whole drenched in tea. His files fell from his hand and she took it tearing the pages and lighting it with a lighter and seeing this everyone were shocked.

Never anyone dared to raise their voice in front of him and here she throwed the tea even burned the file. Ruhaan's and reet's eyes were locked with each other showing hatred towards each other.

"what the fuck" he screamed.

"This is what you deserve Mr. Ruhaan oberoi" she said while holding the file and throwing it at floor

"you fucking burned the confidential file" he said seeing the papers burning

"why your feeling bad.? Oh that was your hardwork right and i spoiled it.. How does it feels after spoiling someone's hardwork, do you know. You must be feeling right?" she said him with the anger fuming inside her and he looked at her with eyes full of anger

In the meeting hall everyone were waiting for them it was 11:20 there was no trace of reet or ruhaan they were tensed as it was a very big deal but then siddhart said "I'm so sorry I'll just look were they are, sorry for inconvenience" he said and asked raj yo to come with him.

They came there and was shocked to see the scene in front if them. everyone were standing murmuring to themselves and Ruhaan was drenched in tea and something was burning there.they made their way towards both of them and raj asked.

"what's going on here, why you are bathing in this coffee?" he asked but there was no answer and now siddhart's anger was reached to limit and he screamed at them.

"what the fuck you both were doing here?" he screamed and reet flinched at his voice.

"you know what you great sister in law did,she fucking burned the whole file." he said gritting his teeth.

"and what did you do, you threw coffee on my designs" she said with tears flowing from her eyes and ruhaan gripped her hands.

"and because of you i lost my millions of deals" he said more tightly gripping her hand and she hissed in pain.

"Ruhaan leave my hand" she calmly but he didn't leave

"Fucking leave my hand ruhaan" she now roared on his face and his hand went towards her neck that's when siddhart pushed ruhaan.

"stay in your limits ruhaan, I'm warning you " his voice was calm but it held warning.

"what is going on here? What the hell you both are doing here, have you'll lost it. I said at starting this deal is worth off. i don't want any disappointment, didn't i..?" he asked and both of them were standing in silence.

"Raj take the printing of the documents its in the laptop" ruhaan said and went to change and here reet was standing with tears off.

"Reet?" he called out and she looked at him.

"Don't worry reet, you have your designs saved in file right" raj said and her face gleamed and she nodded her head.

Now everyone were in the meeting room, ruhaan got tauntings of some mens while reet was standing there with head ducked down.

"Lets start it, or anything is left"one of the mens said and ruhaan clenched his jaw.. The meeting started and now it was time for reet to present her jeweleries designs.she opened her desktop but what shocked her was there were no files saved in that. She gasped after looking this, she searched everywhere but didn't find anything. She was scared as hell as now what she is going to do.

Ruhaan looked towards her and smirked more while sitting on his chair. Reet looked towards raj and he came towards her asking her.

"Reet what happened what's the problem" he asked.

"Raj file is not there" she said while tears where threathing to come from her eyes. She looked towards ruhaan and he winked at her while smirking her and she clenched her fists and cursed him in her mind.

"What's the problem reet?" siddhart asked her.

"I'm not able to find the designs" she said with eyes full of tears.

"What's going on here Mr. Oberoi? That time anyone didn't show for meeting. And now designs are missing. How it could be possible and reet you assured me that everything will be good, no disappointments" mr. Jotwani said and now reet's head ducked down with shame that she was not able to do one thing. She sobbed and looking her Ruhaan's heart sank for a second that she was getting humiliated but again his ego took up and mr. Jotwani further said.

"I guess we should cancel the deal." he said and reet stood there shocked.

"Sir please give me some time and I'll recover the design" she said pleading him and ruhaan clenched his jaw looking at her pleading in front of a man.

"But how could-" as he was saying his words were cut at mid as an voice interrupted them.

"I'm so sorry that im late for the meeting, please now continue." sara, Sanjay jotwani's daughter said while entering in meeting room but was shocked seeing reet crying.

"Reet what happened? Why are you crying?" she asked bring concerned for her.

"Reet answer me what happened yaar?" she asked again.

"Sara your wedding jeweleries designs are destroyed" she said and cried more.

"I'm so sorry sara, i couldn't handel one thing" she said now crying in front of her and everyone looked at her with sympathy and Ruhaan averted his gaze because after seeing her crying he was feeling different but composed himself.

"Reet reet don't cry, listen to me. Reet listen to me once" she said while hugging her and here everyone were shocked looking them so close with each other. Now reet composed herself and looked towards sara.

"how can you forget reet, you have gave me every copy of designs, each design" she said and reet remembered instantly, she thanked gid for sending her.

"oh yess right, i gave you each copies how can i forget that" she said while placing her one at her head.

"Calm down,ill tell driver to bring the designs its in the car" sara said and reet nodded her head. She looked towards ruhaan and he clenched his jaw.

Soon her driver brought the designs and everyone looked at it and were very impressed by her designing skills. Everyone praised her so much and here ruhaan was again defeated and this time very badly. Meeting came to end everyone left.. Reet thanked sara for solving the problem and said that next time there will be no any kind of things and now reet and ruhaan were left inside. She moved towards him.

"Tsk tsk you failed ruhaan, your plans didn't work" she said and his eyes were red with anger as he was to say something, she cut him in a mid

"i told you not to mess with me. Try to mess with me and I'll do worst of it, ill show you what Reet mehra is" she said and moved outside leaving him fuming in anger.


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