10. First day as usual fights

बन जा तू मेरी रानी, तेनु महल दवा दूंगाब

न मेरी मेहबूबा,में तनु ताज पावै दूंगा

सुन मेरी रानी रानी ,
बैन मेरी रानी रानी
सहजन में तेरा तेनु मुमताज बना दूंगा
बन जा तू मेरी तेनु महल दवा दूंगा..!

~✨ban ja rani.       

~✨Guru randhawa


Author's pov:-

After  their heated  argument at night ..they slept . Reet was sleeping peacefully but Ruhaan's condition was worse ,he was just thinking about her courage she has that she spoke those words..which was literally seducing him. He was losing his state he was getting allured by her the way she spoke,the fierce she has inside her which only angers him as no one has dared to talk to him like that. He was continuously thinking about ,but soon he engaged himself in work and the night went off ....

Next morning

Everyone were downstairs and when reet came and wished everyone.her eyes roamed towards the room and she sees him..their eyes locked with each other for nano second and she averted her gaze .  

"Miss mehra ?" He called out

"Yes". She said while faking a smile

"You should be in office at sharp 9 i don't know with whom you will come and how , but before me you should be there "he said and she rolled her eyes .

"I , will be there don't worry" she said in sugar coated voice .

Soon everyone were having there breakfast and kiaana was playing and Ruhaan got up as he got up reet's eyes went on his office attire that was a 3 piece suit.

A black colour coat , white satin shirt with two upper buttons undone and formal pants while a wrist watch and a single platinum ring on his right hands middle finger ..he was nothing less than a greek god .. she remembered his shirtless view and soon blush crept on her face . Sensing someone's strong gaze Ruhaan looked at the person and soon reet widened her eyes that he again caught her .her face was red with embarrassment and he smirked looking at her face, And left for office .soon reet and Siddharth also made their ways and kiaana and shaanvi as she wanted to go botique. Soon Siddharth dropped shaanvi and kiaana and now they were in office

At office:-
As soon as they reached reet eyes went to her watch and it was 8:50 she gasped as he gave her time of 9'o clock soon she said to Siddharth .

"Jiju lets go it's 8:50and soon your brother will be there "she said in hushed tone and moved towards the elevator when siddhart told her.

"Reet not this , its his personal which directly opens to office . If he sees you he will surely bash you " he said and she wihned at his words .

"Oh c'mon jij he won't get to know" she said

"Reeet " he said strictly this time and she obeyed him and followed towards other lift soon she was in office .she was mostly running and after reaching she took relief as one minute was remaining soon she was inside the office, the receptionist greeted her .

"Good morning maam, this is  the office Id "she said handling her the id card of the office .

"Thank you , and don't call me maam . myself reet mehra"she said forwarding her hand .

"I'm shruti , nice to meet you reet "she said shaking her hands with her..

"Same here, let me go now if he will get know im late fhirse he will start taunting me " she said in irritated manner and shruti giggled.

As she was moving towards his cabin while looking at her papers and tucking id in her pocket .as she was walking she dashed with someone

"Ouch"she rubbed her forehead.

"I guess you love falling over me miss mehra" ruhaan said as he was the person to whom she dashed.

"Not falling over you , i want to  fall under you mr.oberoi" she said sassily winking at him and raj widened his and others gasped listening her.

"Aren't you're so desperate ,move aside "he said in a strict tone.

"Why should i move aside , i was one the one who came first so you move aside " she said and he clenched his jaw .

"Fcking, move aside miss mehra this is my office "he said anger was visident in his eyes.

"So, office hai to kya ,now you will decide whom and where to walk, sorry but you're know one to decide".she said giving a tight lipped smile

"I'm your boss you cant talk to me "he roared and other just gulped looking at her.

"So, what will you do fire me ? ,go on" she. Said folding her arms and smirking towards him and he was glaring her.

"Go get lost , fcking irritator"he said in defeated tone as she know he cant do anything as yesterday they sign those papers.

Everyone were shocked around to see a girl fighting with him and he didn't shout at her even didn't fire her. They were amazed seeing her courage and bold in front of him.

"Get back to fcking work, is here circus going on? " he said in bossy tone mostly screamed at them .

But here was the one person who was enjoying the most . that was none other than raj. He was grinning at reet's confidence she is the same how he has thought her to be .she was the one who ccan shut ruhaan and break his attitude and the walls he have built ..she is the one who can bring old Ruhaan back and now he would do anything to keep them together . because he want his best friend to back how he was not this
One who doesn't care at all what's going on .he won't want any love angle between them but friendship is what he want .

In anger he went towards his cabin and raj was behind him as he moved raj turned back and gave a thumbs up to her showing his teeth and telling her well done to which reet chuckled at him saying him thankyou in unaudable tone .

In cabin:-

As Ruhaan entered in cabin he threw the vase in anger shattering it in peices .he throwed the files which were neatly laying on the side table .as he was to throw laptop raj came and stopped him.

"Are you crazy ruhaan ". He shouted on him.

"Shut up, the audacity that girl has to speak and shut me . Fuck her i ll kill her  one day for sure"ruhaan said and he was boiling in anger.

"You know what , she is female version of yours " raj said chuckling at his behaviour.

"Oh..really ! You shut up you fucker can't you see she was disrespecting me ?" He said holding his collar .

"Oh man , cool down and leave it otherwise I'll fucking punch your so handsome face that everyone will be scared to see you , do you get that " raj said

"You know what , get back to work now fcking tell me the schedule "he said by being enough of his friends behavior.

"You have meetings lined up today , one is in next 1 hour "he said reading his schedule in ipad.

"Get everything ready , give me the file of meeting " ruhaan said getting back to work.

"You have meeting with kukreja at 3.."raj said

"Ohh..! Is the file ready " ruhaan asked .

"I'll call priya , she was the one who was working on it ."raj said and dialled the landline number .soon Priya came inside .

"May i come in sir ?"she asked and her voice was shaking .

"Yes,is the file completed of mr.kukreja 's ?" He asked

"Uhh -- sir actually mm -" she tried to speak but was not able to raj was just observing ruhaan's angry face because he knew soon volcano is going to burst.

"Miss priya is file completed?" Now raj asked and she bobbed her head down nodding her head negativily and soon ruhaan stood up and shouted on her.

"What the fuck are you doing from these many days , who the hell are you and. What are you doing in this office. Don't you know that rules are rules if you didn't wanted to work then why the fuck did you take the responsibility."he shouted on her and her eyes were glistening with tears which was ready to flow out of it .

"Sir i- " he cut her off.

"Get out and your fired "he said and she stood with shock ,tears streaming down her eyes and here raj was feeling  pity at her.

"Boss you should give her a chance "he said .

"Shut up and this is not her first time and you miss sign up your resignation letter and get lost from my office" he said and she flinched at her words and noodded her head and looked towards him for a last time and went near the  door and ran while wiping her tears

"Raj, call reet she will do this let's see her confidence now " he said smirkingly.

"Are you nuts , its her 1st day and your giving her a work which she doesn't know what is it about "raj said in disappointed tone.

"Shut up and call her " he said and raj sighed looking at his behavior which was not normal because in these cases he would have given him to complete the work but now he wants reet .

"Ajeeb hi jaanwar type ka insaan h yeh " he said making faces at him and dialled her no .

"Hello "


Here's the next. Chapter
I hope. You all enjoyed it .

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Thank youuu....

Lovesss from me❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋

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