7. Preparation

Enna sona kyu rab ne banaya

Enna sona kyu rab ne banaya

Awa jawa te main, yaara nu manava
Awa jawa te main, yaara nu manava

~enna sona
~by arjit singh


Reet's pov:-

As i heard his name my world seemed to stop
Fuck ! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck everything , fuck everyone , just fuck off !!! Ahhhhhhh!!.... Why it always happens with me . What the fuck did i do, he is the same fucking man whom i met yesterday in different way , different condition . Fuck off ! He is ruhaan oberoi , he is fucking brother of jiju whom i thought to be gentleman ...but he is monster , a big monster who doesn't care for anyone . After yesterday's incident one thing is sure he  has fucking no heart ,the way left me on the ground wincing in pain ...thats the proof , a big proof .

I was still in state of shock with my eyes wide standing like statue , covering my mouth with my palms . But soon regained my position when i saw everyone's eyes were on me . I gulped slowly thinking again the words i said to him in front of his family . Fuck! Why my life is sucked one ..aahhhnnnnn..!!!   I mentally cried and stood there looking at my feet ,which seemed to look now so beautiful to me rather than anything .

"Reet?" Di called and I didn't dare to look at her because i insulted her brother in law

"Reet ? What the hell was that how can you talk to him like this , and how do you know each other ?" She asked me but i was not able to answer as words stucked in my throat

"Reet ?" SHe called me again but her voice was loud now and i flinched due to her tone

"Shaanvi stop scaring her , what are you doing.." jiju said now

"And , reet why are you standing like that ..can anyone explain what you both were doing right now ?" He said and i looked towards him and he looked towards the jerk man i mean ruhaan , but he was sitting there casually not giving a single fuck to the drama going in front of his eye .

"ehh- ji-" i was not able to form the words

"I'm so sorry , i didn't know that he is mr.ruhaan , i mean your first meeting was not so normal , I'm really sorry jiju , im sorry uncle , aunty " i said and saw my sister glaring at me and jiju just giving side eye to her

"Stop scaring her shaanvi , she didn't commit a crime , your scaring hell out of her " he said her and her face softened

"Ehh- I'll go you all have breakfast " i said and started moving towards stairs but jiju stopped me saying

"What will you do then" he asked angrily

"Umm, ill go and call maa she was continuously Calling me" i lied to him and shaanvi sighed

" Sorry to disturb , I'm really sorry . I mean family time tha and i created a scene .. im so soryy..ehh- "i said and moved to upstairs with tears as my sister didn't stop me because i was fucking hungry

"Reet , have. Your breakfast ....and ruhaan answer me what did you do to her " jiju said and he rolled his eyes

"Ask your dear sister in law , i dont time to explain shits ". He said in boring tone serving himself a breakfast

"Reet , explain " he said and i nodded

"Ehh- yesterday i fell down right but I did not fell because i tripped but he pushed me " i said

" Seriously , ruhaan now you also started doing these things " he said angrily

" Oh yeah ! I pushed her i was one who was walking straight  and eyes were on other side, right miss mehra " he said narrowing his eyes

"Yes, i mean no but you didn't help me , when i asked too ?" I said in angry tone remembering how he left me there

"Can you shut up , my ears are bleeding " he said mocking me

"You " i was to say but controlled my self

"Shut up you both and reet eat your breakfast beta , he is like this he cares noones feeling , leave him and dont be sorry" uncle said and i nodded and walked towards chair which was infront of his and he was glaring at me i did the same as i was going to pick the bread he also moved his hand towards bread and we again started our glaring competition

"I took it first,let me eat I'm hungry" i said him gritting my teeth

"Stop this shit , I'm eating this i want to go office . I'm not free like you " he said and anger bubbled inside me

"Reet, let it be I'll bring let him eat " di said and he smirked raising his eyebrows

"But dii he has eaten one already let me eat it , he can wait let me eat it I'm really so hungry "i said in pleading tone

"Ohh! Now you started eyeing my food woww, i guess in. Some days i will stop coming in this house " he said angrily

"Ruhaan I'm so sorry on behalf if her , you finish your breakfast . She will wait" di said and i scoffed . she stood up to bring the breakfast when i said

"Leave it, I'm not hungry you continue . Do not get up in the middle of breakfast just for me " i said her smilingly politely
Towards her which was more as scarsam .

"Can you all stop these shits , and reet stop behaving like an unknown person and don't feel like an unwanted and shaanvi stop always blaming her and supporting him , u know he is not all saint " jiju said as he was now frustated because of us and ruhaan chuckled . I narrowed my eyes on him when kiaana spoke

"Ahnn daduuu, anyone will not eat this. Blead its mine " she said and stuffed the bread in her mouth and everyone were in shock looking at her but soon as i turned that fucking man was throwing  draggers on like i stole some diamond from him . And i raised my eyebrows and he gave me a look which was like a burden one

"Fuck off" i said in my mind turning my face and soon started. Eating breakfas when jiju suddenly said

"Get ready, you'll be going to office today as from today your work will start " as he said i nodded but suddenly that monster spoke "NO" to which i was in shock it means he will not let me to work in his office .

Author's pov:-

As Ruhaan said no everyone turned towards him and suddenly sid said

"Now, whats your problem Ruhaan " he said. And ruhaan scoffed wiping his lips

"I'll take interview as you said "he said and reet was registering everything her in brain

"Interview ?" She asked

"Yes ,miss mehra interview . Youll be giving interview ,if you are passed then you will work with me if not then you will be out of this house " he said giving a proud smirk to his plans

"What "!She exclaimed

"It's rule reet , so you will give and u know you will pass it " Siddharth said smilingly at her to which ruhaan chuckled

"So , get prepared for it I'm giving you one day " ruhaan said leaving the house and made his way towards the car

As he went reet was confused to what kind of interview it will be her whole day passed preparing for interview with the help of YouTube , not knowing Ruhaan was planning a hell for her.

The dinner went smoothly without any fights or dramas as Ruhaan was in his room preparing for meeting .

At night when he came downstairs to eat food at midnight . He saw someone in the kitchen and there was no one .he shrugged thinking it must be his hallucination. As soon as he took his food and started moving towards his room he saw there reet standing there .

As he roamed his eyes on her figure ,his throat dried looking at her thighs and legs as she was in shirts and shorts which reached upto her midthigh .he was oogling on her from up to down sensing someone strong gaze on her she turned . But soon as she turned her eyes widened looking at him who was in his normal clothes flexing his body . She can see through his thin shirt  his abs were on her view as soon as Ruhaan noticed her staring at him he smirked and slowly cleared his throat bringing her back from his lala land. She came back to her senses and was hell embarrassed knowing that he caught her.

"Prepared ,miss mehra?" He asked

"For what ?" She replied which was mostly a. Question

"For your life's first interview" he smirked and said

"For your kind information mr.oberoi its not my first interview , and mainly im always prepared for challanges " she said and winked at him and he clenched his jaw looking at her attitude

"I'll make sure it will be your worst interview " he said and dashed in his room and here was dumfounded after listening him . It means he will try that she may not get passed so she can leave from here.

"Fuck , no I'll not back off mr. Oberoi , its my interview right and ill pass and fucking spat on your face " she said angrily and went to her room .both didn't knew that their rooms were each other's side one.

Here Ruhaan was getting angry seeing her attitude , because no one dares to talk to him in that manner and now he. Will make sure she will beg him to apologise for her every words .

"I'll make you beg for forgiveness miss mehra" he said and anger was visible on his face .


Here's the next chapter guys
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